This year I am releasing a track a month from the Memory Drift album. The album was put together over four years, and even so not every month got a tune, nevertheless all the seasons were covered. Wanting to avoid any Vivaldi related confusion a variety of season themed names were considered: In Season; Out of Season; Shooting Season; Low Season; High Season and more, all of which have already been used in various creative endeavours and some of which I didn’t even like. Which is a round about way of excusing the fact that here in Febraury 2013 I offer you January 2010. This is a drifting drone fest of swelling harmonies.
Tag: album
Memory Drift
Over 2013 I will be releasing tracks that make up the Memory Drift album. The album is loosely based around the theme of time and place. Each piece is associated with the time it was produced, either because it reflects how I felt at that time, or because it includes references to the sounds around. In the course of making the pieces I acquired a mobile sound recorder, and some of the these sounds make their way into some of the pieces too. There are twelve pieces in all, so I will be releasing one piece each month, with each piece most closely related to the release month.
So the first piece up is called January 2008. At the time this was produced I was going for an all synthesised approach. The tune is an upbeat take on the start of a new year and is available to listen to on the right.
A death in the family
The latest article looks at the origins and future of the album. Where did it come from? What is its future? Where is the best place for Tales of the Topographic Ocean? Talking of albums, as you can see at the bottom of the page I have added a link to Last FM where you can download my album Still.