I care because you do….

Thanks to some constructive feedback I’ve made a tweak to the Catalyst VSTi. The new version has a recalibrated filter env mod control. What I like about Catalyst is that it is different yet easy to use. Development of my forthcoming effect is going well, just the manual and audio demo to complete, so it should be out in the next couple of weeks.

Mad as a March Hare

Take out a payday loan. Sell you wife, sell your life, sell your soul, sell out. Extend your penis. Improve your erectile disfunction and address grammar error computer function disgenerated. Finding article really moving, why not have a look at my pay, you might like offers appealing!

These are all things that visitors to this site would like you to do. I’d invite you to know your rights. The acquistion of personal data through hacking, malware and the like is unlawful, illegal and in the European Union a contravention of the Convention of Human Rights (Article 8, the right to privacy). Here is an interesting overview of human rights in different parts of the world: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_human_rights_law

The UK has a telephone preference service which allows you to opt out of recieving marketing calls, and similarly there is also a mail preference service.

A number of countries also have information commissioners, with varying powers to investigate or inforce infringements of data usage.

On a different note, a welcome visitor to the site contacted me about the apparance of my Catalyst VST in the Computer Music Special. The magazine is now out and describes Catalyst as a “strange instrument with an unusual synthesis technique.”

“Different is good and Catalyst is nothing but different! This odd synth creates its sound by half rectifying the output of a pair of wavetable oscillators and then recombining the results to make new waveforms. There are some familiar controls to help you along, but this is wierd and wonderful territory. At turns it sounds noisy, click and chaotic, but it is capable of gentle subtlety too.”

Editor’s note – Catalyst uses conventional waveforms rather than wavetables before the rectifying stage.

This month also sees the release of the latest number from the Memory Drift album. It conjours up images of cold sea fog, swells of noise, indistinct colours and shapes.

Memory Drift

Over 2013 I will be releasing tracks that make up the Memory Drift album. The album is loosely based around the theme of time and place. Each piece is associated with the time it was produced, either because it reflects how I felt at that time, or because it includes references to the sounds around. In the course of making the pieces I acquired a mobile sound recorder, and some of the these sounds make their way into some of the pieces too. There are twelve pieces in all, so I will be releasing one piece each month, with each piece most closely related to the release month.

So the first piece up is called January 2008. At the time this was produced I was going for an all synthesised approach. The tune is an upbeat take on the start of a new year and is available to listen to on the right.

Get Stuffed!

Ever thought about preserving the family pet? Ever considered taxidermy? Ever wondered what would happen if it all went wrong?

Well wonder no more, thanks to the good people at Imgur we bring you this thoughtful and sensitive exploration of the fine art of taxidermy.

While you are here, why not have a look at the Catalyst VST? It is currently in the KVR Developer Challenge, and I have high hopes for the wild card prize!


I must admit I’m finding it hard to get my head around using WordPress to design a site. All the same there has been a fair amount of activity on the site. The latest track to be featured is A Wolf in Cheap Clothing. I’ve also uploaded the album ‘Still’ to Last FM. The material on this album is ambient and beatless and generated algorithmically. I’ve written some articles on algorithmic composition. These were published in the on-line My Atari magazine. This magazine is no more, but if you are interested in this Tim’s Atari Midi World site is still up. I still use the STEEM Atari emulator to run Atari programmes on my laptop, and it occurs to me that with the price of laptops forever falling, and people regularly upgrading there is something to be said for running an older pc as an ATARI clone.

The future was yesterday.


Broken Gadget is the alias of Tim Wilson, producer of music, VST plug-ins, and a man known to hold an opinion or two. I used to have a site back in the dial up days of the early nineties, when Pay Pal was new,  websites were in Times New Roman and photographs took minutes to load in a browser. The site had a modicum of success, and for a period of time my granulating VST plug-in was the top search result on Google. Talk about obscure.

Luckily for my family, neighbours, and now you, dear reader I have kept up music production and in a rush of vanity and generosity will be using this site to share my pearls of wisdom and the fruits of my labours. As our American cousins would say, enjoy!