I’m still posting tracks from the Memory Drift album, wishing I had more to report. Searching the internet I found that someone has made a video of a very old plug-in of mine. This is a plugin I won’t be reviving. What is in the pipeline is a reworking of a plug- in that I still use from time to time. The original was mono and had room for improvement, so it has been completely rewritten and is all finished and ready to go save for a few presets and a manual, so should be out soon. As I write this thinking about that plug-in and the latest tune I realise that I do use a fair amount of free stuff and how much of it is really very good. In keeping with the theme of Memory Drift most of what’s used on the latest track eludes me now, certainly I used Glitch on the drums and Physix as the glockenspiel sound. Thank you to the developers.
Talking of free stuff this month’s track like my others is hosted on SoundCloud and I’ve been discovering some great music there. My current favourites are Spiel:Feld from Berlin who are producing consistently wonderful podcasts.